Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Woke or Awakened?

I'm treading lightly here, as folks categorize themselves and others based upon social offenses and disagreements.  The term"Woke" is political, of African-American origin, but in the last couple of years has become the unifying cry and claim of the SJW (social justice warrior,) who are predominantly blue!  (Politically speaking, that is.)

The following is the definition I found on the Google page.  Social Justice Warrior:  a person who expresses or promotes socially progressive views.  Here is the list (same source) of social justice issues:  Race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, education, mental and physical ability.

There are, of course, racial issues that still exist, but certainly not to the social level they did when the term was originally coined.  According to a very brief Google search, "woke" is now a term meaning:  alert to injustice.  Does this mean the SJWs look for things about which to be offended?  I think so. 

Often the SJWs prove themselves to be among the least tolerant, yet; "tolerance" is also one of their cries for the cause.  I'll include this quote from the article in Wikipedia:  "healthy paranoia, especially about issues of racial and political justice"  Apparently, the tolerant woke, have determined paranoia can be healthy.

Awakened is not a racial term, but rather usually refers to those who realize we've been lied to!  Awakened is usually used along the lines of religion, politics, or nationalism.  Many of us who use the term, have awaked to the fact, we have not been privy to the facts!  Many of us are also "walk away Democrats."  I, personally walked away from the Democrat party in November of 1992, but did not join the Republican party.  It was no Republican that inspired my "walk away!"  The Clintons, themselves inspired my walk away, right after I voted for Bill . . . I was probably what would now be termed a "Kennedy Democrat" and Bill was no JFK.  JFK had said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."  I heard a very different message from Bill C., when he needed a place to stay for three months between the governor's mansion and the White House.  The Clintons were dependent upon "public housing" at its finest.

The "woke" party claims that rich, old, white guys are what's wrong with America.  Seeing some of their candidates and reading their quotes, I can see why the "woke folk" would feel that way.  With Bernie Sanders leading in the primary at this time, perhaps the "Woke" party hopes he will divulge his skill set as to becoming a millionaire politician while spending his early adult years couch surfing?  I'm not even "Woke," and I'd be interested in hearing the chronology of that bio!
Since we are divided on nearly every front, I'll add my latest observation of the division!

This division seems to be along party lines, but I think it's more deeply entrenched with potential for tributariness.  Even though the talking points all sound like scripted sound bites, the Woke folk hammer the word diversity, while those who have been awakened have diverse views, on different topics.

If we were to view the embodiment of the terms, I'd suggest that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seems to be the picture of "woke."  The image of Candace Owens Farmer is the face of "awakened," and has actually confessed that she only became awakened less than four years ago!

That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children:  from a Psalm of Holy Scripture

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  Giving credit to Dana Perino for the term "Bidenflation," Biden is set to accomplish yet another bad idea!  The success rate of ...