Friday, March 27, 2020

No Longer Business as Usual

When this plandemic first hit the headlines, I made a curious observation.  At first, the reports were not in the health section of news sites, but rather on the business, finance, or economic pages . . .  Now it seems COVID-19 is the only topic in the news.

Earlier this week, it occurred to me that President Trump can promise anything knowing Nancy will refuse to cooperate with his idea.  She seems to have missed the memo in which we can all see, it doesn't look like an empty promise from him, it looks like sabotage from her!  Now, I see he has signed her pork ladened bill, with plenty of extras.  According to my mathematics, there is a lot more to this story problem!

Bill Gates is in the news quite a bit on this plandemic.  He is one rich, powerful man.  Of course, he's talking vaccines, but he's got another idea brewing.  He is "working on" digital records.  I'm not exactly sure what that means, but it doesn't sound good!  He's also funded the testing to be simplified, calling it "self-swab" to prevent transference, as well as reducing the amount of protective gear needed if the tests are administered by a health care professional.  Interestingly, a college dropout with an exorbitant amount of money, and honorary degree, and technology knowledge is considered a vital voice in this plandemic.

Social distancing is a notch above the SMART phone absorption.  Since we've already eliminated eye contact, folks need to look up from their phones often enough to make sure they are staying 6-10 feet from everyone else.  Phone rudeness is one of my pet peeves.  I wish I had a dollar for every time someone read a text or "had to see who was calling," in the middle of a conversation with me.  After a while, their pattern is recognized and I really don't bother communicating anything of any depth.  Apparently, I know a great many important people, or at least they think they are.  It is so common in our society, the people who do it, could read this, and never even see themselves in it.  Sad that our society lacks common sense, while so many people senselessly choose to just be common.

For years now, I have written and told anyone who would listen, which are not many . . . Health care will be a strong arm of the New World Order.  Whether we are actually at the immediate threshold of the New World Order or just watching it come together, health care is leading the way!

Basically, in an already self-absorbed, rude, and basically unmotivated society, we have now eliminated handshakes, hugs, small businesses, jobs, and church!  Hopefully, this is temporary, but I have the feeling all of it isn't.  The backbone of America has been broken and the new normal is not looking to be even remotely recognizable.  If we do get a breather, be advised, TPTB are already talking about preparing for the next one.

And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of YHUH thy G-d, and wilt do that which is right in His sight, and wilt give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am YHUH that healeth thee.  Exodus 15:26

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Try a Little Kindness

Now that panic has set in, and of all things, toilet paper is being hoarded, I'd like to offer my observation.

As we began to face this pandemic we were armed with SMART technology in hand, but no toilet paper in the stores!

The people are even becoming bitterly divided on the virus itself, and feel very strongly about their stance.  Some feel there is already too much overreach, while others feel there is not yet enough being done.  It's sort of a soft-serve martial law for health and safety, but it's still control of the masses, with authority and threat of consequences.  Our society has been based upon perpetual motion for so long, many do not know how to stop.

Nursing homes, without advanced notice, just said, "No visitors," except in the case of late-stage hospice; and that's that!  Some cities and states have now declared "voluntary isolation or it will be forced."  The ultimate in double message!

Some hospitals are establishing regulations with regard to visitors.  The new rules to allow no visitors in some hospitals and all nursing homes, especially nursing homes; make no sense to me.  The following information, in no way, is dismissive of the lives of the residents or the severity of the current health threat to the elderly.  The people who work in these facilities go home, live their lives, and come back for their shift.  Many have families, and those family members interact with their circle before coming home to share space with the health care workers.  Many years ago, I worked in long term health care.  Through that time, I had a child in school, who had friends visiting back and forth after school.  I was single, so I dated.  I wasn't much of a drinker, but I loved to dance, so I had a social life outside of my place of employment.  Perhaps regulations and restrictions have been put in place for the hours off the clock, but that would seem quite invasive, impractical, and downright impossible to regulate or enforce.  Obviously, most social life is curtailed at this point, but people still go to stores, gas stations, etc.  This is an airborne contagion.  Everyone out and about is breathing!

I realize this current situation has seriously curtailed socializing, but not all.  My point being, the staff comes and goes and interacts with their families, goes to the store, etc.  The families of the residents, however; cannot enter the facility for a visit with their aging loved one.  Chances are, the children of most of the residents are not spring chickens themselves, and in all likelihood, do not have children still living at home. 

I can understand, for the sake of safety, perhaps establishing some visiting hours or days, but to completely disallow visiting seems cruel and certainly lacking compassion for the residents and their families.  I understand the elderly are at greater risk, but being completely isolated from their loved ones may not be the protection they need.

People should certainly be able to be screened (temp, no cough) and allowed to visit.  I came across an interesting twist to all this . . . It's been suggested in a couple of states that non-violent prisoners should be released to home monitoring, to stop the potential spread of the virus in the prison.  I couldn't help but comment when I saw the link on social media.  Basically, asking who in the world would suggest freedom for prisons and lockdown for nursing homes?  Although the answer that stands out, wasn't worth the time to respond, I will share my comment and the response.

Eliza Beisinger Free criminals while nursing homes are locked down? Who is thinking this stuff up?
  • Dan Johnson Nursing homes can prevent people from coming in or out except for staff. They can’t do that with jail systems. This is about slowing down the spread of the virus in any way possible. Not about who gets to roam free.
So, this individual informed me that nursing homes can control and prevent people from coming and going, but that isn't possible in the jail system!  I reread it to make certain, I read it properly.  I believe I have a workable solution for both problems.  Obviously, family members are not going to want to make their loved one ill, so I'm sure they'd be agreeable to specified visiting hours/days for this problem and happy to have their temperature taken and stay home if they have a cough or sniffles.  As to the problem in the jail system, sounds like they need locks!

Realizing that many people literally live paycheck to paycheck, stocking up on extra food may be difficult.  Then there is the reality that those who are living paycheck to paycheck can't afford to lose any pay, so they may be hesitant to call in sick.

Any event that involves a crowd larger than 10 has been canceled.    The duration of this crisis remains to be seen, but when and if the reprieve comes, there will be new "normal."  Life as we know it has changed dramatically. 

We all have our theories, so as we lambaste the comments and theories of others, let's try a little kindness.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Coronavirus Has Gone Political . . . Naturally

At this point, I believe the only thing natural about this virus is the obvious polarized politicizing of the problem in the US.  The polarized division is what comes naturally, in America!  I'm guessing other countries aren't even suggesting this virus be named for someone in the "other" party, much less their leader!

This country is divided and polarized on almost every issue.  Does that mean America is bipolar?   I'm really having difficulty writing this blog.  The headlines and comments about the Coronavirus are mind-boggling.

When the entire world is seeing things of Biblical proportion, leave it to America to make it political!  As per the current trend in America, the plagues of fear, blame, and hate seem to be spreading more rapidly than the coronavirus or locusts.

There are a few conspiracy theories, as well as some seriously compelling reports that do not put the conspiracy theories to rest . . . I found an interesting coincidence, at least I think the timing is interesting.  Mike Bloomberg officially entered the primary about the same time the Coronavirus entered the headlines.  Just a guess here, but I would guess that Johns Hopkins has ties with WHO (the World Health Organization) and Johns Hopkins has another name in the title.  Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.  It would seem Mr. Bloomberg has made serious contributions to this organization.  Johns Hopkins added Mr. Bloomberg's name in 2001.   

Quote from the page linked above.
"GDEC graduates enjoy careers in academia, government and nongovernment sectors, and industry. Alumni hold faculty appointments at leading universities and ministries of health on five continents and positions at major global health organizations, including WHO, CDC, FDA, NIH, the World Bank, and the International Vaccine Institute."

To further my conspiranoia, on another tangent, Mr. Bloomberg has now discontinued his candidacy and has endorsed Biden.  Biden has a history of off the wall comments, but he truly seems to be struggling with cognition.  I feel sorry for him.  I'm guessing Bloomberg will be instrumental and $upportive of the VP choice . . . I'd wager to say Mr. Bloomberg has more power with his money behind the scenes than any president could imagine.

Back to the politicizing of the Coronavirus.  Until someone figures out how to capture this virus, contain it, and put a lid on it, there will be blame.  Let's be honest, if President Trump managed to accomplish that, a loud voice in America would still complain.  There is no reason, whatsoever, that an illness has been politicized!

When he restricted air traffic between the US and China, now various other countries; he was ostracized as . . . I can't remember if it was xenophobia, germaphobia, or something; and now the complaint is:  he didn't act swiftly enough!  Come on people.  Americans cannot even remain consistent in political complaints.

At the risk of sounding political myself, I have something to say.  I may lose friends from both sides of the aisle on this.  To be honest, through his 2016 candidacy I was not a Trump fan, and I'm really not sure what all his Presidency has accomplished; but the Democrats have certainly made him look good!  He is our president, not a doctor!  As we've heard from divisive media, nobody knows much about this novel coronavirus.  If we can't be united in this country, we certainly could stop looking for reasons to be divided and accusatory.  Politicizing this virus is a new low.

Even though Americans vary in their beliefs and I am not saying "there are many paths to heaven," if Americans spent as much time and energy praying as they do disputing and blaming, this nation would be different.



  Giving credit to Dana Perino for the term "Bidenflation," Biden is set to accomplish yet another bad idea!  The success rate of ...