Tuesday, August 24, 2021

What Will Full Approval Now Look Like?


Full approval from the FDA just as school starts and employers are reassessing working from home.  Certainly, no coincidence.  The timing seems coordinated, even choreographed.  The FDA has literally weaponized the American health care system.  Many reports are repeating the "hopeful" sound of mandates.  

Before I get into this too far, I would like to raise a couple of questions.  Considering the horror in Afghanistan and the Americans who are stranded there, at least one plane of Afghan refugees reportedly arrived in Missouri yesterday.  Since Missouri has been headlining as a COVID hotspot, will these refugees be tested?  Considering the southern border and the reports of children in hospitals in the southern states, are these children who crossed the border?  None of us want any children to be sick, and regardless if they are immigrants or citizens, let's get them well.  My question would be since our government claims to be challenged to know how many people are crossing the border, how many are sick when they enter?  I want everyone to be well, but I would like to know if the reported surge is due to the unvaccinated Americans or the unaccounted-for border crossers.

Now, back to full approval by the FDA and what that could mean as we focus on the new school year and the children.  Since schools have been a hot-button issue for over a year now, the division is deep.  People are divided over masks, divided over class attendance vs. remote learning, divided over distancing, divided over CRT, and the teacher's union is powerful.  Now with the full approval of the vaccine, will the already firmly established division on this subject of vaccines be weaponized against parents and guardians who do not choose to be vaccinated?  

For years, the majority have simply accepted vaccines as required for school . . . With more social workers already being funded . . . will unvaccinated parents be coerced into vaccines or deemed negligent?  

1 comment:

  1. Parents are finding other “options” outside the public school system. KS schools are getting more and more “compliant” w/Govn Kelly and the current Adm in DC. So, there is a movement now to pull kids out of public brain washing institutions and some are becoming very creative in providing quality education to families. Thank the good Lord there are STILL ppl in this country who have brains and who are PUSHING BACK against mandates. But...for how long?



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