This second round of restrictions has raised a concern, that no one seems to be talking about. There is some talk of middle and high schools going to remote learning, while keeping the elementary schools open. The middle schoolers and high schoolers are already indoctrinated!
Think back on our own years in school. The most information, be it education or indoctrination, is gained in elementary school. Middle school or as we Boomers called it, Jr. High, was basically just building on our elementary education and steering us toward, at that time, college. High school was simply preparatory years for college. The indoctrination was strong with a catchy phrase of programming to encourage college. "Work smarter not harder!" So, if you were smart, you aimed for college. And that's what most of us working mothers taught Generation X who taught it to the Millennials.
That phrase has caused generations of damage and created a class division in our society. By the time the Boomers became part of the establishment, both men and women were in the workforce, so children spent even more time being indoctrinated, not only through daycare and extracurricular activities but by the example set by their parents . . .we, the Boomers. Without a doubt, women have always worked, but somewhere between the Greatest generation and the Boomers, with smaller families andmodern conveniences came boredom, materialism, dissatisfaction, and feminism.
It had come to the point, that many appear to believe it is truly more prestigious to be degreed than employed. So many jobs are simply beneath so many until times get desperate. In the programming and indoctrination came the rise of tuition costs and the promotion of student loan debt. With student loan debt, the governmnent already has indentured servants. Yet I digress . . .
Many American children are growing up in single parent homes or with both parents working. Then there are the multigenerational arrangements gaining in numbers as well, with all the adults working. The point being, children spend very little time outside of the social programming. Even when they are home of an evening, in most homes there is television with plenty of advertisements. Remember, when it comes to television, "there is a reason, it's called programming."
Now, here is the bottom line. The destruction of the family has been the aim of the enemy for years. Certainly, America's political system should have revealed to all of us by now, that blame doesn't actually fix anything! This entire culture can spend energy blaming the previous generations or we can spend that same energy protecting the children. Here is the foundation beneath the bottom line. Nurturing and raising children is a woman's highest purpose.
At risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, if I had elementary-aged children, I'd be homeschooling. There wasn't a great deal of warning and no one asked permission to lock the nursing homes down.