Friday, March 19, 2021

The Soul of the Nation


I cannot get on board with the campaign slogan of former candidate Biden.  "In Battle for the Soul of the Nation."  I do believe there is a spiritual battle, but I cannot be on his side of this battle.  If the circumstances were not so dire, I'd just roll my eyes and compare this mess of an administration to "The Emperor's New Clothes," but it is far too serious and entirely too sad!  

  My words will be chosen carefully here, in making this point, as I do not want to give the wrong impression.  Father has revealed to me that partial verses of Scripture will be used out of context to push this political "new normal" agenda.  Romans 13:1-2 is an obvious example.  

In seeing the priorities of this new regime,  "level the playing field" green new deal, immigration.  Vague references to "caring for strangers"and lifting many out of poverty will not actually happen according to Scripture.  Big Pharma and Planned Parenthood receive many more taxpayer dollars than the taxpayers will ever see!    

I think the emptying of prisons had a 2 fold purpose.  Building a militia/army to erode America right under the noses of the citizens, while making room to incarcerate the "non-compliant" of medical mandates.  Another perspective of American "health care."  29% of doctors in America are foreign.  That is almost 1/3.  The World Agenda has been taking shape through health care for some time, now.

This so-called "miracle" of a vaccine is blatant disrespect to our Heavenly Father for even using the term "miracle" when discussing and promoting the vaccine.

While we all have our eyes on Bill Gates, there are a couple of other "up and comers" who are already quite wealthy and have varying interests and power in world amenities.  Mark Zuckerberg, of Facebook fame, is married to a pediatrician and the two of them have quite lofty goals for their Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, LLC.  Elon Musk has Tesla which is placing many satellites in space, as well as building electric cars  Mr. Musk has also been working on a tech project that is actually inserted into the brain, I believe it is the frontal lobe . . . as in forehead?. 

Many claim that we just cannot be so close to the mark of the beast, as there is still much prophecy to be fulfilled.  Many would claim that the anti-Christ has not yet appeared.  I simply do not know.  I don't know that the anti-Christ is not already on the scene.  Scripture says the AC will rise to power, but the Bible does not say the AC will be elected.  

I am not so presumptuous as to claim what the mark of the beast is not.  Many claim it cannot be the microchip and it cannot be associated with the CV vaccine.  Perhaps they are right, but perhaps they are not!  Rather than focus on what may or may not be the mark of the beast, I am purposed to focus on The Word and promise of our Creator.  Moving toward our Heavenly Father will definitely move us away from the beast system.    

The words that continue to resonate in my spirit are those of Messiah, "Be ready."  

If you do not sense the media spin and science inconsistency, then the fluoridated water and public education indoctrination has worked.

Will the coming together of Big Tech and Big Pharma bring about the fulfillment of Revelation 9:6? Will those who survive the mRNA vaccines and whatever the next "solution" presented by TPTB, find themselves "immortal," yet sick and in dependent captivity? We simply do not know the long-term effects of the mRNA vaccine. Vaccine manufacturers are protected from legal liability. If this vaccine does what the reports indicate, it will actually alter the recipients' DNA, thus rendering GMO humans . . .

With the insane amount of money being printed, the closing of American businesses while opening the border, mandatory health care, and planned parenthood taxpayer funding, I absolutely cannot be on the same side of this battle for the soul of the nation. When Joe Biden said he wanted unity, what I heard was a direct path to full on division and I am quite satisfied to remain on the opposite side of the chasm that has been created by the division in America!

Never in my life, have I said, "Not my president," regardless of the election results. In my lifetime, there has been President Eisenhower, President Kennedy, President Johnson, President Nixon, President Ford, President Carter, President Reagan, President Bush, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, and President Trump. Many of those men, I did not vote for, but they were still my president. Not this time, however; not this time! Mr. Biden has declared a spiritual battle and I cannot be on his side.

Monday, March 1, 2021


I started making notes about CV-19 very early last year, then in May trackng and tracing,  was introduced.  There was instant backlash with many announcing they would stop carrying their SMART phones. By August, it seems most were accepting the inevitability of being traced in a very personal and invasive way.  The technology is available, so it's just a matter of bringing about acceptance!   Actually, I believe the technology WAS already available, and was ready to be rolled out for "our own good."   TPTB (the powers that be) just needed a "reason" to introduce the technology.  Undoubtedly, the acceptance really hasn't taken long.  Appointments for CV-19 vaccines are done by phone apps and internet.  Look how quickly GPS was embraced for "safety." and other "find your history" sites have openly stated that the DNA is on record, while statistics indicate a DNA test kit is the most purchased holiday gift.  Tracking and tracing will become an acceptable way of life in the "new normal."  
There are some who believe TPTB are already monitoring our every move.  I was greatly saddened earlier this year when the apps for tracking and tracing became available for SMART phones.  At first many said, they would be leaving their phones at home, but it wasn't long until they rationalized that GPS was already tracking, so . . .  I still remember back when GPS was first built into cell phones, and in my relocation, I would need to upgrade for the different area code, blah, blah, blah.  I discontinued my plan and I think the old cell phone is still in the bottom desk drawer.  Now phone numbers just go with a person indefinitely and upgrades are regular.
The other day I spoke with someone who seems to truly believe TPTB are already tracking and tracing everyone, continuously.  I didn't agree, and the conversation didn't last long, as the individual believed me to be naive or ignorant of the facts.  Unless there is some kind of technology actually embedded, the tracking and tracking is still through devices, such as phones and vehicles.  At this time, TPTB cannot track us without some form of technology.  Bill Gates has suggested nanoparticles in the vaccine for digital proof.  So far, I've not read any more about that idea.  My guess is, it's already in place, as well . . .  The taxman does have my address and the computer is obviously tracking my searches, but unless someone brings their phone into my home or a visit is posted to social media, TPTB do not know the details of local trips, my social life, or of whom I have shared space, within six feet.

Many will accept tracing as just part of the culture in which we live, while others will even embrace it as "doing their part;" believing their health and well-being or the health of others depends upon knowing who is within 6 feet of them at all times.  What causes me the greatest sadness in this, is that the younger generation won't even know there was ever, even a taste of freedom.  CV-19 will be a part of this upcoming generation, much in the same way 9-11 is for Gen Z.  They don't remember the actual event, while having little or no memory of life before the event, and only "virtual" awareness of any other way of life.  Our grandkids have no experience in air travel in which one's carry-on luggage held whatever you wanted!

Home health agencies have been sending vital signs through the phone lines for years, but as landlines disappear, higher tech options are entering the picture.  With Fitbit and tele-doctors, how much invasion of privacy are we inviting?  If it's invited, is it invasion?  Then there is Alexa and SMART televisions that are voice-activated.  Someone has actually demonstrated that they can speak into their SMARTphone and the recipient can read the message as a text.  As we become less personal in our communications, it seems the technological invasion is becoming more personal!  WalMart has a database, second only to the Pentagon.  Supposedly this information is just a record of customer's choices and purchases for future advertisement.  It probably is about advertising and the bottom line, but it still has biometric data.  Everything mentioned in this paragraph is simply a choice for convenience, but at what real cost?   


  Giving credit to Dana Perino for the term "Bidenflation," Biden is set to accomplish yet another bad idea!  The success rate of ...