I started making notes about CV-19 very early last year, then in May trackng and tracing, was introduced. There was instant backlash with many announcing they would stop carrying their SMART phones. By August, it seems most were accepting the inevitability of being traced in a very personal and invasive way. The technology is available, so it's just a matter of bringing about acceptance! Actually, I believe the technology WAS already available, and was ready to be rolled out for "our own good." TPTB (the powers that be) just needed a "reason" to introduce the technology. Undoubtedly, the acceptance really hasn't taken long. Appointments for CV-19 vaccines are done by phone apps and internet. Look how quickly GPS was embraced for "safety." Ancestry.com and other "find your history" sites have openly stated that the DNA is on record, while statistics indicate a DNA test kit is the most purchased holiday gift. Tracking and tracing will become an acceptable way of life in the "new normal."
There are some who believe TPTB are already monitoring our every move. I was greatly saddened earlier this year when the apps for tracking and tracing became available for SMART phones. At first many said, they would be leaving their phones at home, but it wasn't long until they rationalized that GPS was already tracking, so . . . I still remember back when GPS was first built into cell phones, and in my relocation, I would need to upgrade for the different area code, blah, blah, blah. I discontinued my plan and I think the old cell phone is still in the bottom desk drawer. Now phone numbers just go with a person indefinitely and upgrades are regular.
The other day I spoke with someone who seems to truly believe TPTB are already tracking and tracing everyone, continuously. I didn't agree, and the conversation didn't last long, as the individual believed me to be naive or ignorant of the facts. Unless there is some kind of technology actually embedded, the tracking and tracking is still through devices, such as phones and vehicles. At this time, TPTB cannot track us without some form of technology. Bill Gates has suggested nanoparticles in the vaccine for digital proof. So far, I've not read any more about that idea. My guess is, it's already in place, as well . . . The taxman does have my address and the computer is obviously tracking my searches, but unless someone brings their phone into my home or a visit is posted to social media, TPTB do not know the details of local trips, my social life, or of whom I have shared space, within six feet.
Many will accept tracing as just part of the culture in which we live, while others will even embrace it as "doing their part;" believing their health and well-being or the health of others depends upon knowing who is within 6 feet of them at all times. What causes me the greatest sadness in this, is that the younger generation won't even know there was ever, even a taste of freedom. CV-19 will be a part of this upcoming generation, much in the same way 9-11 is for Gen Z. They don't remember the actual event, while having little or no memory of life before the event, and only "virtual" awareness of any other way of life. Our grandkids have no experience in air travel in which one's carry-on luggage held whatever you wanted!
Home health agencies have been sending vital signs through the phone lines for years, but as landlines disappear, higher tech options are entering the picture. With Fitbit and tele-doctors, how much invasion of privacy are we inviting? If it's invited, is it invasion? Then there is Alexa and SMART televisions that are voice-activated. Someone has actually demonstrated that they can speak into their SMARTphone and the recipient can read the message as a text. As we become less personal in our communications, it seems the technological invasion is becoming more personal! WalMart has a database, second only to the Pentagon. Supposedly this information is just a record of customer's choices and purchases for future advertisement. It probably is about advertising and the bottom line, but it still has biometric data. Everything mentioned in this paragraph is simply a choice for convenience, but at what real cost?
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