At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist . . . I believe herd immunity was hindered awaiting the introduction of the mRNA vaccine! Very early on, many of us saw this was about much more than a virus. Naturally, Americans politically divided quickly between those who complied and those who claimed a hoax. Personally, I did, and still do, believe the virus is real, but is being used in a power grab. Three strains of coronavirus cause the common cold. In all likelihood, this seventh novel coronavirus probably has at least one thing in common with the common cold. That one thing, I believe, is there is probably no cure and it may very likely be a mutation of the common cold, and continue to mutate. That is not said, however; to diminish the impact this virus has had on many. The comparison is simply to state, there may be no cure and the mutations are reported to continue to be discovered!
Last spring, we were told if we did not shut down the country, 2 million Americans could be dead in a matter of a couple of months. So, for the "greater good," businesses were shuttered. The projected death toll did not happen! Over a year later, although most of us do know someone who died of the virus, we also know people who died of cancer, heart problems, and old age. Those individuals, however; were not afforded a traditional funeral.
The first official report of death caused by this Novel Corona virus was February 29, 2020. By March 11, the plandemic was declared. One week later, nursing homes were locked down, while prisoners were set to be released for "their safety." Schools across the country closed, yet generally speaking, children were not susceptible to this virus. I couldn't help but wonder if the prison releases may have served to man the terror of the cities that took place throughout the summer and autumn of 2020 . . . yet I digress.
While the elderly were more vulnerable, much of the rest of the population was either asymptomatic, resistant, or recovered quickly. There were, of course, exceptions, there always are; but most folks under the age of 60 were not at much risk of death. It was fairly early in the spring of last year when recognition and warnings of comorbidity challenged the survival rate.
Now if the "over 60" crowd and anyone with health issues had taken the extra precaution, those of the healthy "under 60" crowd could have very likely gone on with most business as usual. Businesses did not have to shutter. The summer riots (mostly peaceful protests) were never reported to be "spreader events." Hydroxychloroquine is cheap. It could have readily been mass-produced if needed. I managed to make a tincture from the natural source of quinine, as well as Essential Oil blends that are beneficial to the immune system. We knew early, that Vitamin C, D, and Zinc definitely boost the immune system. So, rather than tell everyone to stay indoors for months, the "under 60" crowd could have been out in the sunshine, enjoying life and in all probability developing antibodies.
Herd immunity could already have been established long before the vaccine was released. Oh, but that would hinder the profits of Big Pharma and the power of the New World Order! "New Normal" is code for New World Order or One World System. As for the financial reset that's coming, Pfizer, Moderna and J&J are not donating all these "free vaccines." Although the US government offered billions for Operation Warp Speed, nothing is actually funded by the US government, but by those who fund the US government . . . the taxpayers. The taxpayers should and could have had their herd immunity long before vaccinations have served to further divide the people, without any idea of how long-term health may be affected.
Although disease and death are difficult, throughout history, the human race has survived a number of plagues through natural herd immunity.