Yes, I actually heard a news commentator promoting the COVID-19 vaccine, so we can "return to new normal!" When this plandemic first began, the term "new normal" appeared in articles as early as March 2020. We were actually still in the original 15 days of "flatten the curve." It was obvious to some that this was about so much more than a virus . . . and we began to use the term "great reset," but we believed we'd have a "window" a break, so to speak, but I used the term "window" any time I spoke of it. Now, over a year later, we are looking at the window. In many areas, this window has been gradually opening for some time, and in other places, it seems to just be lifting wide open very quickly. This divided nation will see two very different views through this window.
Vaccines will definitely serve, already do, as a great divisive issue in America. The enticement efforts surrounding vaccines will initially serve to encourage many to lie and falsify records, thus bringing greater steps of "protection" to be taken. Meanwhile, full venues for fully vaccinated individuals are happening. The fact that the vaccine figures have not met the goal, yet mandates are suddenly lifted and lockdown states fully open gives me cause to pause.
With reports already dividing the vax states and non-vax states, I'm guessing there will be enough panic spun around July 4 gatherings in the "unvaccinated regions," for the FDA to deliver another EUA for the age group of children, now being tested. A further guess would be, that the window remains open a bit longer as vaccine distribution regains momentum for a time. Through this window, however; the probability of the variant Delta is likely to spread or mutate again, and the chasm between the VAX and VAX-nots will further expand.
I'm unsure how long we'll have this window, but the elderberry bushes are in abundant bloom, as they were in 2019. The division in the view from this window will be nearly polarized. We'll all know it's only a window and only a matter of time before it closes, but the choices each of us makes in this timeframe will be telling.
For those who do not have eyes to see or ears to hear. Many in this country fall into this category, but have just enough information to think they do not. Many have honestly convinced themselves, they will know when to get out and where they think they will go. I don't believe that will be the case for most. Return to new normal means, back to air travel, concerts, sports; crowded restaurants, whatever one enjoys, before something else hits.
For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, use this time wisely. Get ready to be ready