Tuesday, August 24, 2021

What Will Full Approval Now Look Like?


Full approval from the FDA just as school starts and employers are reassessing working from home.  Certainly, no coincidence.  The timing seems coordinated, even choreographed.  The FDA has literally weaponized the American health care system.  Many reports are repeating the "hopeful" sound of mandates.  

Before I get into this too far, I would like to raise a couple of questions.  Considering the horror in Afghanistan and the Americans who are stranded there, at least one plane of Afghan refugees reportedly arrived in Missouri yesterday.  Since Missouri has been headlining as a COVID hotspot, will these refugees be tested?  Considering the southern border and the reports of children in hospitals in the southern states, are these children who crossed the border?  None of us want any children to be sick, and regardless if they are immigrants or citizens, let's get them well.  My question would be since our government claims to be challenged to know how many people are crossing the border, how many are sick when they enter?  I want everyone to be well, but I would like to know if the reported surge is due to the unvaccinated Americans or the unaccounted-for border crossers.

Now, back to full approval by the FDA and what that could mean as we focus on the new school year and the children.  Since schools have been a hot-button issue for over a year now, the division is deep.  People are divided over masks, divided over class attendance vs. remote learning, divided over distancing, divided over CRT, and the teacher's union is powerful.  Now with the full approval of the vaccine, will the already firmly established division on this subject of vaccines be weaponized against parents and guardians who do not choose to be vaccinated?  

For years, the majority have simply accepted vaccines as required for school . . . With more social workers already being funded . . . will unvaccinated parents be coerced into vaccines or deemed negligent?  

Sunday, August 22, 2021

The Children


When "While He May Be Found," was published in 2006, it sounded like some sort of crazy conspiracy theory.  By 2020, it read much more like current events . . .  Something has been on my mind for the past few days and I have to share it.  

The coercion in regard to the vaccine is going to escalate with the school year starting!  Don't overlook the fact that the federal government is now sending subsidy checks to homes with children.  The US government doesn't give without strings attached, except to non-citizens.  

Obviously with the decrease in the desire for the vaccines, the powers that be had to determine a new approach.  Incentivizing the vaccination just didn't achieve the expected results.  Most of the senior citizens did get on board, but the workforce and young parents were not as eager to get on board, and children under 12 cannot receive the vaccine, at this time.  Now, we pretty much know, when school starts, kids share their germs, and the autumn school building becomes one lifesize petri dish.

With eighteen months of social isolation, germs are going to circulate when people gather once again.

Common knowledge, so common, even the powers that be are aware that parents and grandparents want to keep the children healthy and safe.  If the FDA does approve the vaccine, at least one of them, mandates and proof could certainly come into play for employment and education, as well as health care.  The fact that this is coinciding is certainly no accident!  

Are parents aware of the various reasons the public education system lists for lockdowns?  The children and parents have been programmed for some time now to comply.  Will quarantine (for the safety of all involved . . . )  replace lockdowns in some cases?   Many parents have seen the indoctrination and made the decision to homeschool.  KUDOS to those parents.

Apparently, many cities/counties are now employing more social workers.  Even though social workers have been mentioned repeatedly to answer some calls in the plans to defund the police.  Social workers will most likely not be working in the actual police department, but rather in family services or child protection agencies, depending upon the label used by the state.  As the school year unrolls or unravels, will the powers that be determine it unsafe to send children home to unvaccinated parents?

The same technology and protocol that was put in place to prevent bad people from getting to the kids is the same technology and protocol that prevents good parents from going past the front office.    

Children's health, at some point, will be weaponized against the family.  

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Giving Thanks in All Things - Even Through the Pandemic


Realizing many have been ill and many have died, there is no doubt the virus is real.  There is also no doubt, we have much to doubt in the numbers and information we've been given.   There is also a significant number of us, for various reasons, who have grave doubt in the vaccine.

Many of us have experienced the virus that has over a 98% recovery rate.  Last year when this began, I asked Father for the natural remedy.  I truly believe this virus is not naturally occurring, and before Operation Warp Speed was even announced, I was putting together some natural formulas.  The next hurdle I faced was how to share this information without being accused of "practicing medicine without a license."  Not to brag, but I do have the same medical degree as Bill Gates.

So, the formulas have been recorded and blended.  Rather than make any recommendations for alternative remedies, I'll simply share what I did, and did not do, when I contracted the virus.  We do have supplements and vitamins, but we have absolutely no over-the-counter products such as acetaminophen or any cough suppressants.  I had already ordered Vitamins C and D, as well as Zinc.  I raise elderberries, so elderberry juice is a staple in this household.  I was not informed, until after the fact, that Mr. B had emptied his jar of elderberry juice and not opened a new one . . . Fast forward to the trip to town.

Mr. B came home from town, with a story about a man who was vaccinated and had been sick since he'd received the vaccine.  He even stated that this was the first time he'd been out of his home in over a week!  Obviously, I cannot say this is where Mr. B was exposed, but in less than 72 he was sneezing and coughing. When he complained that the coffee was weak and flavorless, my antenna went up.   I suggested Granny's remedy of honey, lemon, and whiskey.  He ran a low-grade fever one evening.  After the fever broke, he was sleeping later, napping in the afternoon, and tiring early in the evening.  I already had Magein in the diffuser and was adding garlic to everything I was cooking. 

He still had symptoms but was improving, when the virus hit me the following week.  The loss of smell and taste was immediate and intense.  Flavorless coffee, first thing in the morning, was a bit of a disappointment, but not surprising, in that I had already sensed the loss of taste when brushing my teeth.  It's a bit strange to be unable to taste the peppermint in the toothpaste.  Since the symptoms are listed on numerous websites, I won't go into great detail regarding mine, as they were pretty much the reported standard symptoms.  I will say this about the cough.  It literally felt like my trachea and bronchi were lined with cling wrap.  

I used the formulas I had prayed for and in less than two weeks could definitely feel the recovery.  There have been plenty of things that have been bad news, but I've read the Book.  Ultimately, this does not end badly!   


  Giving credit to Dana Perino for the term "Bidenflation," Biden is set to accomplish yet another bad idea!  The success rate of ...