Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Coronavirus Questions

There are just so many questions running through my mind, about this plague which could potentially become a pandemic.  From a spiritual perspective, I'd say we are watching prophecy being fulfilled as the end of days unfold . . . So, that's one question I do not have!

When I first read about this illness, and of course, I can't find the articles now, but when news of this was first breaking, there was reported to be a patent on a Coronavirus with plans to make a vaccine for SARS.  Now "they" say it was a different Coronavirus.  Personally, I believe, we may never know!

The name of this virus caught my attention.  Perhaps it's the writer in me, but I noticed the word "Novel" is a part of the label carried by this dreaded illness.  Officially, the CDC lists it as 2019-nCoV.  The "n" stands for "novel."  Most of us associate the word "novel" with a work of fiction.  How "novel" became part of the name of this illness, began to weigh on my mind.   Novel just kept crossing my mind, seemingly out of nowhere.  Knowing, "novel" is both a noun and an adjective, I found myself leaning a little toward conspiranoia.  Upon opening Wordweb, both definitions seem possibly applicable . . .

Noun:  An extended fictional work in prose; usually in the form of a story.
Adjective:  Original and of a kind not seen before.

Obviously, from news reports, it is original and of a kind not seen before, so the definition of an adjective certainly applies, but it also seems to bear a lack of credibility or "transparency" in the entire circumstances.  There is a piece of this puzzling plague that is missing or manufactured.  I am not, for a moment, doubting that people are sick and some are dying.  I feel horrible for those people and their families.  I am, however; in full skeptical mode that 2019-nCoV originated at a seafood shop, or bat soup diner, or local market.

 I believe we are possibly looking at the definition of "novel" to be a noun, as well:  "an extended work" that was conceived in the mind of humanity.  Then, there are reports of a more nefarious possibility, such as a biological weapons program!

Of course, many are asking, if not aloud, at least in their own thoughts, "Just how intensely will this virus spread?"  "Will we ever actually know the original source of this illness?  "How many people will die before it stops?"  "What is the difference between those who are recovering and those who are dying?"  Is the difference age, general health, diet, faith?

My next question is absolutely rooted in skepticism.  When will the vaccine become available?  The idea that the "measles scare" wasn't enough to sway the masses has crossed my mind, more than once.  What is the timeframe, before a vaccine is introduced and becomes mandatory?  Without a doubt, vaccines will become more polarizing than our politics!  My family is absolutely polarized when it comes to the subject of vaccines, and I've read about many others in this same situation.  Is there coming a time when those of us who are not pro-mandatory vaccine will have to wear some sort of identifying badge?  Since the scarlet letter has already been used, as well as a yellow star, and pink triangle; perhaps the powers that be will be a bit more creative . . . or will we see history repeat itself!

Since many of the articles and reports on this virus are featured in business and finance sections, will this potential pandemic be used for a greater purpose?  Is it possible, all we ex-vaxxers will, at some point, be unable to participate in commerce and travel without proof of vaccination?  Quarantine is commanded in Scriptural, exclusion for trusting our Creator is also noted in Scripture, but far from commanded.

And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of YHUH thy God, and wilt do that which is right in His sight, and wilt give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am YHUH that healeth thee.  Exodus 15:26

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